Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy fresh, new year

I love fresh starts. I love the beginning of the school year, the start of a new project, moving into a new house, or just re-organizing a closet. And I love starting a new YEAR! I seem to sometimes need a "catch" as a motivator, and something fresh and new will definitely do it for me.
Now, I have to say that I am NOT a "new year's resolutions" person. I have distaste for resolutions. I am a person who believes goals are absolutely possible to reach and I believe thinking positively about reaching that goal is an important part. It's hard to think positively about "resolutions". They have a bad name...and an even worse record! It seems that they are discussed lightly over water coolers or coffee, maybe with a smirk or a knowing grin that all "resolved" individuals share...they will never last.
I just learned that the average resolution is abandoned by the 21st of January.
Point proven.
So, I am not setting resolutions. I will be motivated by the freshness of the new year to work towards some goals, though. I am not in a hurry to list them...instead I will prayerfully consider what God might want me to work on next. I will share them with you all as they become clearer to me.
What adventures are you embarking on in the new year? Enjoy the excitement of a fresh start...but remember that we don't need a new year to get a fresh start. God gives us one each day and He believes we CAN do it! :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

not TOO busy

Ok. I don't really know why I have this blog. I know it's been like, forever since I have posted but I don't seem to have anything really important to say lately! (And to be honest, I'm not quite sure anyone but me is reading it) But that's ok. It's still fun!
I am busy, of course, as everyone seems to be this season with the "Christmas Chaos" we surround ourselves with. But I'm not so busy that I can't journal a few paragraphs now and then!
I have to share this picture of my daughter Clarice. Katie Sutherland, photographer extraordinaire took this and many other awesome pictures of my family. I have to say, this little girl of mine is photogenic! I just love the fact that I got on permanent record this sweet face with the missing tooth ;) Among other not so fun things, I am trying to enjoy the Christmas season through my kids eyes. I loved Christmas as a kid and it's so cool that I get to do it again.
What fun Christmas traditions do you have with your kids? My fun calendar still has some openings.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

what he wants for ME

I have been trying to decide whether or not to post about this...but God hasn't given me anything else really important to talk about so it will be this :)
It's so funny to me how God makes sure I remain humble. It was just weeks ago that I sat in on a small group discussion about forgiveness. One of the messages that the speaker on the video gave was that we really haven't forgiven someone if we haven't gotten to the point that we can actually "wish them well". So, sounds on track right? Sure! It was so easy for me to solidly support what we had heard on that encourage others in the group that were struggling with that..."yes, you CAN do it!" God must shake his head at me when I think I have it all figured out :)
I don't know about you but sometimes it's really easy for me to let something someone did to hurt me or disappoint me go...but the resentment towards that person hangs on. It's more like I have forgiven the ACTION but not accepted the PERSON.
Someone in my life disappointed me recently. Not someone I am overly concerned about - no one in my family or even a close friend. Just a person I am connected with in a couple ways. I am surprised at how frustrated I am with this offense though. No, actually the offense I can let go...but the person? Well some kind of retribution should be in order, maybe she should get treated the way she treated me? Maybe I should treat her the way she treated me?? I am not proud to admit I have entertained too many of these kind of thoughts. I am having a hard time wishing her well. I have NOT forgiven her.
Now don't mistake me, boundaries might need to come into play here. I may need to limit my interactions with this person...but that's not what this is about for me. It's about what is going on in my heart. And how it affect my relationship with God. It leads me in exactly the opposite direction that He is going. I don't want to go there. He doesn't want me to go there. But thankfully, I know He can provide what I cannot for myself right now.
I'm not quite sure how I am going to handle this situation...and I'm not sure I need to know right now, but I hope to listen more to what God says about this person than what His enemy is trying to convince me of.
God never asks anything of us that is not ultimately a good thing for us. Forgiveness equals freedom. I will seek it until I find it.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

one GIRL at a time

Everytime I think I know what God wants me to work on...He gives me something else. I guess I'm honored that He thinks I can handle so many things :) My most recent (and first ever) post talked about "changing the world one woman at a time". I have to say, setting goals and getting excited about serving God and making an impact in the world is easy for me to do...and I know He will use me, in small ways, big ways and everything in between. BUT, I seem too often to get ahead of myself...wandering down paths (great paths), but paths that God maybe is not ready to send me on yet. Dave Ferguson said to me once, in the kindest way, that I need to stay focused on my first responsibility in my life right now: my family. I feel like God was saying this same thing to me the other night. I was convicted that what I need to focus on first at this season is "changing the world, one GIRL (and boy) at a time".

My children need me. Not just to be a body that is home for them filling their needs, but an involved personality in their lives. Especially with Clarice. She is in Kindergarten this year, and although I still have many years ahead with her, this one feels big for me. Every morning, for the last time, I get to have her home with me...and I get a chance to impact her for eternity. Here are some things I am committing to doing over the coming weeks...until they become more of a habit than they are:
  • Spending at least 10 minutes of every hour my kids are home interacting with them personally. Playing, talking, even homework and chores. Even this much undivided attention from me will make a difference.
  • Reading with my kids every day (I used to do this more when they were younger, but have lost that important time with them over the years)
  • Not chatting on the phone with friends so much when my kids are home!
  • Praying for and with them more.
To some of you great moms, this may sound so obvious, but for me it can be a little bit of a challenge and things for which I need a list to remember. Please ask me how I am doing with this, or tell me to hang up the phone if I call you...accountability makes the difference!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here goes something...

Well, I decided to go ahead and jump in. I am officially joining the bloggosphere. I don't even know my way around yet, and I'm already setting up residence? I'm waiting for someone to tell me, "you're doing it all wrong!" but in the meantime...I'm just gonna fake it 'till I make it.

One of the things I enjoy so much about the blogs I frequent is the creative titles, descriptions and pictures you all have come up with. Since I am big on always having a "theme" and an "image" in things I do, picking my title, etc. was a big decision for me. (Oh, and it might change without notice if I get tired of the current theme). So...I decided to use my leadership theme for this year. I was inspired by a song by Natalie Grant as I was preparing for a meeting with the small group leaders I coach for "Connections" (a women's group at CCC). The song, What are You Waiting For spreads the message that we need to be the change we want to see in the world, stepping out for what we believe in and not waiting for the "right time"...just doing whatever it is we feel God is leading us to It seemed to be just the right goal for a group of leaders ready to impact women for we made it our team's mission. Changing the World. One woman at a time.
I love coaching other leaders. God has given me a gift and a passion for leadership...and He provides me with inspiration and wisdom from others to complete the mission He has me on.
I hope this blog serves as a tool for my leaders to also be inspired..and to share their thoughts and experiences in the journey of being a leader who follows Christ.
So thanks for letting me hang out here with all of you! Sue and Laura, how about joining me...what are you waiting for? ;)