Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy fresh, new year

I love fresh starts. I love the beginning of the school year, the start of a new project, moving into a new house, or just re-organizing a closet. And I love starting a new YEAR! I seem to sometimes need a "catch" as a motivator, and something fresh and new will definitely do it for me.
Now, I have to say that I am NOT a "new year's resolutions" person. I have distaste for resolutions. I am a person who believes goals are absolutely possible to reach and I believe thinking positively about reaching that goal is an important part. It's hard to think positively about "resolutions". They have a bad name...and an even worse record! It seems that they are discussed lightly over water coolers or coffee, maybe with a smirk or a knowing grin that all "resolved" individuals share...they will never last.
I just learned that the average resolution is abandoned by the 21st of January.
Point proven.
So, I am not setting resolutions. I will be motivated by the freshness of the new year to work towards some goals, though. I am not in a hurry to list them...instead I will prayerfully consider what God might want me to work on next. I will share them with you all as they become clearer to me.
What adventures are you embarking on in the new year? Enjoy the excitement of a fresh start...but remember that we don't need a new year to get a fresh start. God gives us one each day and He believes we CAN do it! :)

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