Saturday, February 03, 2007

an official break

I am way past making this official. It's been too long since I have posted.
I am thinking that blogging is not something I am supposed to be doing right now. Although it's a great place for me to journal, I realized that I have not been able to accomplish what I set out to do in creating the blog. I meant for it to be another place for me to connect with the leaders I coach. I just don't think many of them are in a "blogging season" right now. Most of us are moms with very busy schedules. Just keeping up with email is sometimes difficult!
It's ok though, it really was a test run for me. There are many things I have enjoyed in my short time in the blogosphere and I appreciate those of you faithful bloggers that have checked in with me ;) It's because of you that I felt the need to post this exit letter. I will not delete my will remain out there in cyberspace until I am ready to try again. Thanks for hanging with me!
love, Suzie