Wednesday, November 08, 2006

one GIRL at a time

Everytime I think I know what God wants me to work on...He gives me something else. I guess I'm honored that He thinks I can handle so many things :) My most recent (and first ever) post talked about "changing the world one woman at a time". I have to say, setting goals and getting excited about serving God and making an impact in the world is easy for me to do...and I know He will use me, in small ways, big ways and everything in between. BUT, I seem too often to get ahead of myself...wandering down paths (great paths), but paths that God maybe is not ready to send me on yet. Dave Ferguson said to me once, in the kindest way, that I need to stay focused on my first responsibility in my life right now: my family. I feel like God was saying this same thing to me the other night. I was convicted that what I need to focus on first at this season is "changing the world, one GIRL (and boy) at a time".

My children need me. Not just to be a body that is home for them filling their needs, but an involved personality in their lives. Especially with Clarice. She is in Kindergarten this year, and although I still have many years ahead with her, this one feels big for me. Every morning, for the last time, I get to have her home with me...and I get a chance to impact her for eternity. Here are some things I am committing to doing over the coming weeks...until they become more of a habit than they are:
  • Spending at least 10 minutes of every hour my kids are home interacting with them personally. Playing, talking, even homework and chores. Even this much undivided attention from me will make a difference.
  • Reading with my kids every day (I used to do this more when they were younger, but have lost that important time with them over the years)
  • Not chatting on the phone with friends so much when my kids are home!
  • Praying for and with them more.
To some of you great moms, this may sound so obvious, but for me it can be a little bit of a challenge and things for which I need a list to remember. Please ask me how I am doing with this, or tell me to hang up the phone if I call you...accountability makes the difference!


The Haines Family said...

I love this photo! So sweet. Are your habits formed yet?! Blessings, Pam

Suzie Reeves said...

I wouldn't categorize them as habits yet...but I am remaining very mindful of my time with my kids and making more of it!
I think this blog is going to end up being my form of journaling - getting what God is telling me in writing - I think it will take my walk with Him to a new level. Thank you Pam for supporting me :)
