Tuesday, November 14, 2006

what he wants for ME

I have been trying to decide whether or not to post about this...but God hasn't given me anything else really important to talk about so it will be this :)
It's so funny to me how God makes sure I remain humble. It was just weeks ago that I sat in on a small group discussion about forgiveness. One of the messages that the speaker on the video gave was that we really haven't forgiven someone if we haven't gotten to the point that we can actually "wish them well". So, sounds on track right? Sure! It was so easy for me to solidly support what we had heard on that video...to encourage others in the group that were struggling with that..."yes, you CAN do it!" Oh...how God must shake his head at me when I think I have it all figured out :)
I don't know about you but sometimes it's really easy for me to let something someone did to hurt me or disappoint me go...but the resentment towards that person hangs on. It's more like I have forgiven the ACTION but not accepted the PERSON.
Someone in my life disappointed me recently. Not someone I am overly concerned about - no one in my family or even a close friend. Just a person I am connected with in a couple ways. I am surprised at how frustrated I am with this offense though. No, actually the offense I can let go...but the person? Well some kind of retribution should be in order, maybe she should get treated the way she treated me? Maybe I should treat her the way she treated me?? I am not proud to admit I have entertained too many of these kind of thoughts. I am having a hard time wishing her well. I have NOT forgiven her.
Now don't mistake me, boundaries might need to come into play here. I may need to limit my interactions with this person...but that's not what this is about for me. It's about what is going on in my heart. And how it affect my relationship with God. It leads me in exactly the opposite direction that He is going. I don't want to go there. He doesn't want me to go there. But thankfully, I know He can provide what I cannot for myself right now.
I'm not quite sure how I am going to handle this situation...and I'm not sure I need to know right now, but I hope to listen more to what God says about this person than what His enemy is trying to convince me of.
God never asks anything of us that is not ultimately a good thing for us. Forgiveness equals freedom. I will seek it until I find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just want to say i appreciate your comments on the small groups blog - keep it up and welcome to the blogsphere!